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Last Updated:  
October 15, 2024
8 min read

Crypto Derivatives 15th October 2024

We’ve seen evidence of increasingly positive sentiment in the derivatives markets over the last week. The futures implied yields term structure has inverted, with a dramatic rise at the front end that signals increased demand for near-term long exposure. The perp swap funding rate has remained positive for both BTC and ETH, reflecting bullish sentiment as traders are willing to pay to hold long positions. Additionally, volatility smile skews have grown towards calls, reflecting the increasing appetite for upside exposure that we see in futures. At the same time, while pre-election implied volatility has remained subdued, reflecting relatively stable spot price movements, this positive market sentiment suggests expectations for a continued rise in spot prices that we have not seen in some time.

Futures Implied Yield, 1-Month Tenor

ATM Implied Volatility, 1-Month Tenor

Crypto Senti-Meter Index

BTC Sentiment

ETH Sentiment


BTC Annualised Yields

The term structure has swiftly inverted in the past days, having increased largely at the front end.

ETH Annualised Yields

ETH’s futures yields term structure shows the same inversion, but remains at lower levels than BTC’s.

Perpetual Swap Funding Rates

BTC Funding Rate

BTC’s perpetual funding rate has maintained high positive levels in the past week.

ETH Funding Rate

ETH’s perpetual swap funding rate is exhibiting positive sentiment similarly to BTC.

BTC Options

BTC SVI ATM Implied Volatility

Volatility has slightly risen at the front end of the term structure, but it remains flat post-election.

BTC 25-Delta Risk Reversal

Smiles have skewed strongly towards calls in the past week across all tenors.

ETH Options

ETH SVI ATM Implied Volatility

Implied volatility levels have moved sideways as a whole, despite fluctuations in volatility for short-tenor options.

ETH 25-Delta Risk Reversal

ETH’s skews have sharply risen and smile are exhibiting a strong call-skew across tenors.

Volatility by Exchange

BTC, 1-Month Tenor, SVI Calibration

ETH, 1-Month Tenor, SVI Calibration

Put-Call Skew by Exchange

BTC, 1-Month Tenor, 25-Delta SVI Calibration

ETH, 1-Month Tenor, 25-Delta SVI Calibration

Market Composite Volatility Surface

Listed Expiry Volatility Smiles

Cross-Exchange Volatility Smiles

Constant Maturity Volatility Smiles

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